Thursday, November 20, 2008

Tech Site Gives Entrepreneur Advice

I finished my IT degree last year. During the time of studying the degree I had subscribed to receive newsletters from Sitepoint ( I subscribed so that I could keep up to date with the latest IT news. Now that I am studying Leadership I have found a new purpose for the newsletters: Entrepreneur Advice!

How could a tech site provide entrepreneur advice? They probably realised that people in the IT industry have brains wired for technology, not entrepreneurship. A developer could make the best website ever but have no idea on how to get someone to buy it (or buy products from it). Technologically minded people also have the habit of building what they think is best and not what the customer really needs. Sitepoint helps the developer with issues by providing marketing tips and techniques for drawing in customers and getting the right price.

Not only does Sitepoint have free articles on their website and free newsletters, they also write books. You can get samples of their books for free if you subscribe to their newsletters. They also maintain a database of HTML and CSS codes that developers can use. They also have a twitter site that is followed by the Prime Minister of Australia! That is a good recommendation.